Moments like these are rare. Few and far between. As once-in-a-life-time as that perfect sunset on that perfect day; with that perfect girl and that perfect kiss.
So savor it. Squeeze it for all it's worth. Sip at it until there's nothing left. Until there's nothing left but an empty glass and a chewed up straw. Surrounded by empty plates, stolen glances and desperate hands held secretly beneath the restaurant table.
Until it's engraved on that cold slab of stone of yours that someone, somewhere dared to call a heart. Commit it to memory. Every second of it, every detail.
The way the light hits her hair, giving it that orangish-red glow creating the illusion of a halo. Turning her into your own personal angel. If only for an hour, if only for the night.
Remember the curve of her neck as it tauntingly slopes down towards her strapless shoulder, daring you to do something about it but warning you not to.
Hold onto the scent of her skin, as it drifts lazily towards you from across the table; as fragrant as chrysanthemums in late bloom, as wondrous as the wonder that is late spring. Warm and aromatic; working its way under your skin.
And her voice. Oh yes, that unforgettable voice. Mellifluous, tender. Her voice that speaks volumes. That shares secrets. That starts wars. That creates worlds. Her voice that echoes through the corridors of your heart, bouncing off its walls, kissing them; mwah! Like the smudge of her plum tree red lipstick on the nape of your neck.
Forget them not; all these things. As you walk up and down these lonely streets. Searching, searching...The cold winter wind chapping every inch, every centimeter of exposed skin.
Play them and play them again. Enumerate them, write yourself a list, paint yourself a picture, thumb yourself a reminder; whatever helps...whatever gets the job done.
Because one day, maybe not one day soon, maybe one day far off but one day none the less, she will ask you a question. For the exact day, the very hour, the precise moment that your heart leaped from your rib cage and into her lap. And trust me, she'll want to know. She'll have to know. And believe me when I say, your answer will make all the difference in the world.