Patrick pulled out his phone to check the time- she was late. Not very, maybe by like ten minutes or so but because Patrick was fastidious about such things, to him she was irrevocably, irreversibly, irritatingly late.
Patrick let out a frustrated sigh and tossed his phone onto the space of cushiony cushioness next to him.
He had booked an executive suite at the Serena and at that moment sat slouched in one of it's red wood tone upholstered love seats, its coffee and cream coloured cushions lying carelessly on either side of him.
Letting himself sink even further into the chair, Patrick tilted his head back and closed his eyes.
Patience...he muttered to himself. Patience...
It had been two Saturdays since he and Bridget had struck a deal with the sultry songstress and although in the beginning Patrick had looked forward to this day, as it stood at that very moment, all he wanted was for it to be over.
Bridget, on the other hand, had revelled in the preparations from the get go.
But wait, just how much preparation actually goes into a singer showing up, singing a few songs for an audience of two and then leaving? You may ask.
Well, with Bridget flag-shipping the entire thing, more than you can possibly imagine.
Bridget walked out of the bedroom, where she had laid out Deandra's outfit (costume? get up?) on the bed, and leaving little dents in the vanilla coloured wall-to-wall carpet with her heels, sashayed into the sitting area.
"She'll be here in twenty minutes." Bridget announced, holding up her phone to indicate where she had gotten the information from.
Opening his eyes, Patrick looked over at Bridget.
It always caught him off guard just how strikingly beautiful she was.
Her hair hung two inches below her bare shoulders, her bangs perfectly cropped. She wore a red pencil dress that stopped just shy of her calves and sheathed the curves of her body perfectly, a pair of velvety black pumps on her feet which added four inches to her height and just enough make-up to accentuate the prominence of her cheek bones, pout of her lips and dreaminess of her eyes.
"You look beautiful." was Patrick's reply.
Of course she did. Bridget worked very hard to make sure that she did and so it wasn't really much of a compliment Patrick telling her so.
But a compliment is still a compliment, Bridget reminded herself. And there's a way a girl is meant to respond to a compliment, no matter who it comes from.
And so with that, Bridget tilted her head to one side, placed a hand on a hip and awwwwd a thank you in Patrick's direction.
"You don't look all that bad yourself." She added a second later. And she wasn't lying either, he didn't, considering.
He wore a perfectly tailored black pinstriped suit, white button down and black silk bow tie. At Bridget's insistence of course. And even though Patrick's face was far from camera friendly he did have the body of an athlete and so wore the clothes extremely well.
In their expensive hotel room the two of them looked like a power couple getting ready to hit the red carpet; it was too bad they weren't going to even leave the room.
"So did she say why she was late?" Patrick asked without acknowledging Bridget's compliment.
She felt a little slighted by this but tried her best not to let it show it.
"It's 15 minutes past two on a Saturday afternoon, there is no traffic."
Bridget shrugged,
"Well that's what she told me."
"Did you call her or did she call you?"
"She called me."
"Oh. OK."
Well that changed things a bit, maybe she was telling the truth.
"What about Hair and Make-up?"
"He was already waiting downstairs. I just called him and so he should be here any-"
Three sharp raps on the door interrupted Bridget's reply. At the same time Bridget's phone began to ring in her hand,
Shine bright like a diamond!
Bridget glanced at her phone.
"That's him." she said and silencing her phone, padded her way to the front door.
Once there Bridget took a deep breath to prepare herself for the whirlwind which was Zeus and grabbing the door handle, turned it and swung open the door.
He was five foot five; wore red boat shoes, yellow capris, a white belt and a blue slim-fit short-sleeved button down smartly tucked into his capris. A pair of Rayban aviator's, a Blackberry 9800 in one hand and a LV tote bag in the other made the ensemble complete.
"Hmmmph," Zeus intoned when he saw Bridget. "Your'e going for a movie première oba?"
Bridget struck a pose.
"You like?"
Zeus struck one himself.
"I love. And that, you chick.
We're going to have to do something about that make up though."
He said between kisses on each of Bridget's cheeks.
"Now where is my Rihanna?" He asked. And without waiting for a reply, Hair & Make-up walked into the room.