Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Give Your Life to Jesus!
He would stand there
In the same place
Without fail.
A torn up, beat up Bible in one hand
And his sweetheart,
A big-white-placard sign with big-red-letters in the other.
You could find him
At any given time
Day or night
With both his arms raised
Shaking with a righteous fury
His eyes red
Sheets of sweat pouring down his face
Always shouting
Things like,
“Salvation is free for all!
Who of you really wants to burn in hell?”
In his spit shine polished army issue boots and his
Ratty What Would Jesus Do? Tie
He would proclaim with a pious fervor that this “Street of Sin”
This “Sodom”
This “Gomorrah”
And every single soul that walked along it
Was “Lost” and in dire need of the love of the most high…
And then one night
As the story goes as told by Moses
He got into a fight with his wife
One rife with nasty, blood curdling words
And tongues as sharp as knives.
hurts were said
Spears were thrown
Tears were shed
And fingers
Were clasped tightly around delicate throats
Something snapped in him that night
Nobody quite knows what
Nobody quite knows why
All they know is that
As he choked the life out of his young, beautiful wife
Amidst broken plates
And glasses dashed to pieces
His sweet heart
His sign
Sat in the corner
Pleading with him
To give his life to Jesus.
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